sACNView is a tool for viewing, monitoring and testing the ANSI/ESTA E1.31 protocol, informally known as “Streaming ACN”.

This protocol is used in lighting systems (typically theatre, television, live entertainment and other systems where a high performance stream of data is required). It is closely related to USITT DMX-512A, providing multiple streams of DMX-like data over an Ethernet network.

This is sACNView mark 2, which supplants the original version.

How to Install

Use the buttons at the top of this page to download and install the program for your operating system

Supported Platforms

Windows XP

Windows XP is no longer supported on new builds, but you can get the last version supporting XP here

How to Use

See the Documentation page for information on how to use the application

License and Usage

sACNView is free software. It is a personal project and not supported by any company. It is provided free of charge and without any warranty.

sACNView is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.


You can create bug reports via the issue tracker on the project Github site.